Sunday, December 19, 2010
Holiday Break Information and Hours
Dec. 23-Jan. 2: CLOSED. On these dates, there will no CLIC book deliveries. Interlibrary loan arriving by mail will be available beginning Monday, Jan. 3, 2011.
Jan. 2-Jan. 21: Open M-F, 8am-4:30am. Closed Jan. 17th for MLK holiday.
Enjoy your winter break!
WorldCat Local Down Sunday 12/19
If you need to search for our printed resources during this time, please consider using CLICnet Classic.
Thank you for your patience while this maintenance occurs.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Story Time for Students
Take a break from your studies and enjoy a cookie and a story with your friends from 3 to 5 p.m, Tuesday, December 14.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Changes to Electronic Course Reserves
At the end of this academic year, the Library staff will discontinue its electronic course reserves service. Moodle and the increased availability of full text electronic content through library licensed databases have made this service redundant.
The library will continue its copyright management service for Moodle material, ascertaining the need for permission, and paying for it, when use of copyrighted materials exceeds the guidelines of Fair Use. Library staff will continue to provide traditional reserves services, processing library and personal books and CDs, and reprints that are not for electronic access.
The library staff will also continue to serve administrative departments who need to make material available electronically.
During the Spring term, the library staff can assist in scanning documents if department staff is unable to do so. Please consult with your Academic Information Associate if you have questions about uploading material to Moodle.
A letter has been distributed to all faculty and department administrators detailing this plan.
If you have any questions, please call (x6545) or email Janet Sietmann (sietmann@macalester).
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Learn About Plagiarism

This tutorial explains what plagiarism is when writing college papers, and how to avoid it.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Printing Awareness Week, Nov 8-14!

Come to the library to:
- Check out the wind turbine made out of recycled paper.
- Find out how much paper we print every year.
- Take the printing pledge to win a prize!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Course Guides Currently Unavailable
Thank you for your patience while the course guides are being fixed. Please contact our reference desk if you have any questions.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Learn About Plagiarism

This tutorial explains what plagiarism is when writing college papers, and how to avoid it.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Service Outage, October 23, 6am-Noon
* Printing services
* EZProxy and access to research databases from off campus
* Research databases on and off campus
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this maintenance and service outage.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Open Access and Pizza, Wednesday, Oct. 20
Event topics:
- Overview of Open Access issues
- Open Access Textbooks discussion
- Open Access Digital Book Project at Macalester
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Library Services for Honors Projects
Friday, September 24, 2010
Support the Federal Research Public Access Act!
The Alliance for Taxpayer Access provides a list of form letters that can be used for this purpose.
Why support this bill?
The bill would ensure that the published results of research funded by the U.S. government can be accessed and used by American taxpayers via the Internet.
More information
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Author Kao Kalia Yang Speaking Sept. 23

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Constitution Day Exhibit
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Author Kao Kalia Yang, Speaking Sept. 23

Please join us to hear Kao Kalia Yang speak about her book, The Latehomecomer, on Thursday, September 23rd at 4:30 in the Hill Ballroom. The Latehomecomer was this year's selection for our MacReads Common Reading Program. Ms Yang's story is compelling and provides valuable insights into the Hmong community in St. Paul. Ms. Yang will also be signing copies of her book after her talk. All are welcome, and we hope you can join us.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Library will be closed for convocation on September 14
Friday, September 03, 2010
Welcome to Class of 2014!
Activities in the library, Friday September 3:
9am-4pm Computer Help and Setup, Library/ITS Drop-In
Monday, August 30, 2010
Welcome to Class of 2014!
This Thursday, September 2, please join us in welcoming new students at the following events in the library:
9am-4pm Computer Help and Setup, Library/ITS Drop-In
9am-12pm Coffee and Cookies, Harmon Room
1pm-2pm Meet your librarian! Harmon Room
1pm-4pm Mini-golf in the Library!
2pm-4pm Root Beer Floats (while they last!) Harmon Room
Remember: Everyone is welcome to play the Mac Links Indoor Golf Classic. Golf clap!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Welcome back returning students, faculty, and staff!
Need a good read to make summer last just a little longer? Check out a book from the Popular Reading Collection.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Community Input Needed on Future of the Internet
hall-style meeting with Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
representatives, Thursday, August 19th, 6pm- 9pm.
South High School
3131 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407-1988
Please email Steven Renderos of the Main Street Project, if you would
like to give community testimony.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tell Congress You Support Public Access
Why support open access and this act?
The Federal Research Public Access Act proposes to make manuscripts reporting on federally funded research publicly available within six months of publication in a journal. More information.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Internet Access Outage, Friday 7/30
- The website will be accessible from on-campus during this time.
- Google Apps, including e-mail, personal calendars and docs will be unavailable.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tell Congress You Support Public Access
Why support open access and this act?
The Federal Research Public Access Act proposes to make manuscripts reporting on federally funded research publicly available within six months of publication in a journal. More information.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
CLICnet Classic Access Available Again
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
CLICnet Classic Outage 7/14/2010
Thank you for your patience while this outage occurs. Please note: Our Macalester WorldCat Local service will continue uninterrupted.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Library Main Entrance Reopens
Thanks for your patience and thanks to Kevin Maynard and Facilities Services for expediting the needed work.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Journal Cancellations for 2011 - Deadline July 6
* American Journal of Physiology
* Christian Century
* Cross Currents
* Eurasian Geography and Economics
* Evolutionary Ecology
* Geography
* International Journal of American Linguistics
* Journal for Cultural Research
* Journal of Geoscience Education
* Journal of Urban Affairs
* Natural Resources Journal
* Numen
* Point
Monday, June 07, 2010
Library Entrance Temporarily Moved
How to Access the Library During the Construction Project
During the first week of construction you may access the Library through the single door emergency exit on the south side of the building - the side that faces Leonard Center.
Once access is available via the Link (the connector between the Library and Old Main), the emergency exit will be closed again and access will be available via Old Main.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
We appreciate everyone's patience while this construction project is being completed.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Welcome Back to Macalester Alums!
We wish you a happy weekend with many laughs!
Go to Reunion 2010 Home »
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cleaning out your files?
If you or your department have some one-side-free paper you would otherwise be recycling, we'd love to have you drop it off at the library circulation desk, send it to us through campus mail, or contact us for pickup. PLEASE NOTE: paper contributed should not have any confidential or potentially confidential information on it.
For more information or for pick-up, please contact Dave Collins (
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Senior Week in the Library!
- Inspiring works of book art outside the Harmon Room.
- Favorite books selected by graduating library student-employees
- Honors projects already submitted in DigitalCommons
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Help Increase Access to Research
On April 15, 2010, a bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives with this purpose. Currently, publishing rights to much of government-sponsored research goes to private companies who charge for access.
You can help too: Contact your representatives (Senate, House) and express your support for public access to taxpayer-funded research.
For more information, please visit the Alliance for Taxpayer Access.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
ARTstor down, 5/1/10, 8PM-1AM
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Help Increase Access to Research!
On April 15, 2010, a bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives with this purpose. Currently, publishing rights to much of government-sponsored research goes to private companies who charge for access.
You can help too: Contact your representatives (Senate, House) and express your support for public access to taxpayer-funded research.
For more information, please visit the Alliance for Taxpayer Access.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Learn: Resources for honors project research
Location: DeWitt Wallace Library, Room 206. Sign up here
About the Session
The following topics will be covered: Special services for Honors Students, RefWorks, interlibrary loan services, copyright policies, and your rights as authors.
For further information contact Beth Hillemann
Want to take it a step further?
Set up a one-on-one appointment with a librarian and get research advice tailored to your project.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Google Book Talk - JBD, noon, Friday
Jack will be joined by Wendy Pradt Lougee, University Librarian at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Wendy will discuss the Google Book Project and the Hathi Trust for digitized works. More information.
John B. Davis Lecture Hall, Campus Center
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Friday Apr 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sandwiches and Scholarship, 4/15, 11:30am
Sandwiches and Scholarship is a monthly luncheon dedicated to sharing scholarly work with each other and thinking about how different subjects might work together.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
RSVP: Library Career Panel & Pizza 4/14
Wednesday, April 14. 11:45am, Harmon Room, DeWitt Wallace Library.
Friday, April 09, 2010
READ Poster Unveiling and Reception
Come and meet Macalester's own READ celebrities in the Harmon Room for appetizers and conversation as we unveil our 2010 posters in celebration of National Library Week.
Pick up your free celebrity bookmark and check out the wonderful book selections this year's celebrities have chosen as their favorites. Sign up for a chance to win a set of READ posters or be featured in our 2011 poster series.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Public Speaking Workshop
1pm-2:30pm, Saturday April 3, 2010
Davis Court, Markim Hall
Need space to practice your presentation? Room 303 in the library is available to current students, faculty and staff. Reserve time here. About the practice presentation room.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Spotlight on Women's History Month
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Macalester Welcomes LibTech 2010 Attendees
Friday, March 12, 2010
Library and Media Services Survey
Monday, March 08, 2010
All Faculty/Staff Happy Hour
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
7 Research Tips
Scholarly Communication: Library-Press Partnerships
Monday, February 15, 2010
7 Research Tips
Friday, February 12, 2010
WorldCat Local Maintenance - Sunday a.m.
WorldCat Local will not be available between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m on Sunday morning. This maintenance may also affect other OCLC services. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Need research articles on film topics?

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Where's your water bottle?
Off-Campus E-Reserves Experiencing Problems
Thank you.
Monday, January 04, 2010
Take a Book to the Leonard Center!
Friday, January 01, 2010
RefWorks Down January 2nd
Please contact us if you have any questions.