The library has partnered with our vendor to test changes in the way our WorldCat Discovery results display. If you see search results that look unusual to you, you can use the "sort by" box in the upper left corner to select "Library and Relevance." This will sort your search results in the "regular" way. If you have questions or are having trouble finding an item, please contact us.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Macalester College welcomes SPARCS@Mac
Library staff are thrilled to host the second iteration of SPARCS@Mac, a technology skills development program for Minnesota high school students, co-hosted with our partners at AdvanceIT Minnesota. This day camp will bring 28 participants eager to learn about technology to Macalester June 20-24 in the DeWitt Wallace Library. Individuals from historically underrepresented populations, students of color, gender non-conforming students, and would-be first-generation college students were especially encouraged to apply. Please join us in welcoming SPARCS participants and volunteers to Macalester.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
1600grand Library Tab Retiring
The Library tab in 1600grand will be retired at the end of June. All services are now available via the Library website, including access information for both Ingenta and ScienceDirect Pay Per View article services. See "For Faculty" for more information on these services.
Thursday, June 09, 2016
Macalester College welcomes the Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference
The DeWitt Wallace Library welcomes participants to the first Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference taking place this weekend, June 10-12th, on the Macalester College campus. More than 70 participants from Oberlin Group Libraries, a consortium of over 80 private liberal arts colleges, will be meeting on campus beginning with a Friday reception and dinner. This is an opportunity for Oberlin Group staff and faculty with significant interests or responsibilities in digital scholarship, digital humanities, and other digital projects to meet, network, and learn together.
More information may be found on the conference website or on Twitter using the hashtag #obeds2016.